No Plan To Ban Wood Burning Stoves

Customers may have seen recent headlines about a possible government ban on wood-burning stoves.

Here we can give our customers who may have seen these headlines further information so they can possess the full and correct facts regarding Defra’s 25-Year Plan.

Earlier this year on the 22nd May Environment Secretary Michael Gove published a Clean Air Strategy which aims to reduce air pollution and save lives, reinforced by new primary legislation.

The new strategy, which is out for consultation until the 14th of August, is a key part of leaving our environment in a better state than we found it. HETAS, Woodsure and The Stove Industry Alliance have all been consulting with Defra for some time now and once again Defra has clarified they are not looking to implement a ban on wood stoves.

Clean Air Strategy Main Points

The strategy summarises actions to reduce emissions from domestic burning, clearly identifying there is no intention to ban wood-burning stoves. Here are the key points:

  • Legislate to prohibit the sale of the most polluting fuels.
  • Ensure that only the cleanest stoves are available for sale by 2022.
  • Give new powers to local authorities to take action in areas of high pollution, bringing legislation into the 21st century with more flexible, proportionate enforcement powers.
  • Work with the industry to identify an appropriate test standard for new solid fuels entering the market.
  • Ensure that consumers understand what they can do to reduce their impact from burning.

The strategy also suggests Defra will give local authorities powers to go further in areas of high pollution, for example exploring what further steps the government can take to enable local authorities to encourage ‘no burn days’ during high-pollution episodes.

Strategy Initiatives

The strategy identifies a number of voluntary initiatives that the industry has undertaken to address concerns over air pollution from wood burning. These include Woodsure’s Ready to Burn, The SIA Ecodesign Ready scheme (administered by HETAS) and the Burnright campaign.

Defra would like your views on the actions being proposed to reduce air pollution and its effects and to hear whether you have any further suggestions. Make sure you have your say at

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