A growing number of people support the importance of protecting the environment, and because of this bioethanol fires are becoming more and more popular. Bioethanol fires are extremely clean and easy to install.
They are ecologically friendly by burning fuel extracted from plants throughout the combustion process. In addition to being ecologically friendly, they offer the chance to have a living flame fireplace without the need to have a chimney or a pricey installation carried out. A bioethanol fire simply needs electricity to run which means it can be installed just about anywhere.
The Alchemy FB18 has been created for installation with a free-standing fire basket. For a contemporary look the FB18 can be installed with its polished steel top plate left visible and a ribbon flame effect. Alternatively, the FB18 is available with a detachable steel plate displaying hand-painted ceramic logs that successfully emulate the beauty and appearance of a real log fire, achieving an outstandingly realistic appearance as the flames lick around the logs. The steel log plate can be lifted easily on and off for the purpose of refuelling.
The FB18 can be installed with the Alchemy FB18 fire basket or the 18˝ Soho fire basket from the Chesneys range of fire baskets. Alchemy has taken bioethanol burn technology to a new level. The engineering and design of the Alchemy fire offer unique functionality and performance which is patent protected.
See the Alchemy FB18 in action, shown in the Chesneys 18″ Soho fire basket, with and without the optional log plate:
Alchemy FB18 Bioethanol Fire Product Information:
Alchemy RB700, RB1000 & RB1500
The Alchemy Bioethanol collection also includes linear ribbon burners in three sizes. These are a perfect design feature for a contemporary interior and can be installed in a number of ways.
The three units measure 700mm, 1000mm and 1500mm in length and all produce beautiful dancing flame patterns.
Every burner is fitted with an anti-reflective glass upstand anchored to the top plate, which guards the ribbon flame pattern against disturbance caused by draughts. The unique ‘v’ shaped opening to the flame channel additionally produces an extremely strong flame that is particularly resistant to shifts in the surrounding air. These burners are very economical to run and maintain, as shown by the performance of the mid-sized RB1000, which will run on economy flame rating for 12 hours before refilling is required.
All models can be installed as a freestanding fire that is open to the room from all four sides, or less, as needed. Alternatively, an Alchemy linear burner can be installed as an inset fire.
Alchemy RB700, RB1000 & RB1500 Bioethanol Fire Product Information:
Safety and Efficiency
The safety features on all Alchemy bioethanol fires are second to none. The remote-control handset allows automated ignition of the fire, unlike other products which require a manually lighted taper.
Alchemy bioethanol fires have been rigorously tested and certified for installation in rooms that can be much smaller than those needed by other bioethanol fire products. An Alchemy Fire is 100% efficient.